Installing New Wiring in Your Home

Installing New Wiring in Your Home

Could Your Appliances Be Causing Your Circuit Breaker to Trip?

by June Alvarez

Some old homes still use fuses in place of circuit breakers. Although both of them serve the same purpose, a circuit breaker is advantageous. Typically, the circuit breaker trips whenever there is a power surge or other anomalies in your electrical system. This helps protect you from fire hazards and appliance damage. So, if your breaker is faulty, you need to call in an electrician for immediate repairs. 

Some appliances make the circuit breaker trip more than others. They are mentioned below. 

1. The Fans

When it gets too hot, you will need more than one fan in your living room to keep the temperatures down. The more the fans, the higher the power needed to run them efficiently. However, your main breaker might be overloaded by the fans, causing it to trip. If your breaker trips and you are not sure how to reset it, contact an electrician.

2. The Iron Box

An iron box usually heats up within a few seconds, and it takes up a lot of power to achieve that. In most homes, the iron box is mainly used in the bedroom or living room. Usually, these rooms contain power outlets meant for low-energy consuming appliances. Therefore, when you use your iron box for extended periods while on maximum setting, you are bound to cause the circuit breaker to trip.

3. The Hairdryer

Like the iron box, your hairdryer also requires a significant amount of power to heat up quickly. That includes all other hair appliances like flat irons and curling irons. In some homes, the bathrooms are fitted with GFCIs (Ground Fault Circuit Interrupters) to help break the circuit when using this equipment. If your home lacks the GFCI device, your breaker will trip whenever you use your hairdryer, curling iron or flat iron.

4. The Outdated Refrigerators

A refrigerator can last up to 10 years without displaying any issues. That is why many people still hold their old refrigerator models. However, you should keep in mind that old models may not be as energy-efficient as their modern counterparts. So, when temperatures go high during summer, your outdated fridge will draw more power and cause the circuit breaker to trip.

Essentially, you need to use these appliances less to stop the circuit breaker from tripping excessively. If the problem persists, call in an electrician to examine the system further. They can offer advice on upgrading your electrical system so you can safely use your appliances. 


About Me

Installing New Wiring in Your Home

Hello! My name is Joanna and this is my electrical DIY and repair blog. I decided to start this new blog so I could help others to learn about easy DIY jobs they can complete around their homes. It is also important to understand when it is time to call in a professional electrical contractor. When I moved into an old property, I didn't have a clue about the electrical side of things. I was really worried because the lights would flicker and sometimes the sockets would feel warm. I called in an electrical contractor and he helped me to get the place repaired and gave me some fantastic advice.
